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[quote] On 16-06-2024 04:43, Zalagar wrote: [b]MUD2 Mobile Bash 6/13/2024[/b] Well, this was an eventful day, as Crazyfool turned up in MUD2 in the set or so before the bash and chatted with many of us beforehand. He would set the bash in motion, but then leave us to our own devices. So as the bash started, the players involved were: *who Spamton the champion Paine the matriarch Folly the necromancer Dara the necromancess Zedar the bash-general warlock Drizzle the wobbly mage Paine and Drizzle offered moral support from the tearoom. Titus would join in later on in the bash, but we'll get to that when it comes. When the bash started, Folly went right after the bees as soon as he was able to leave the tearoom. Spamton hit the ground running this bash, quickly dispatching of the raven without even grabbing a weapon on his way to obtain the light from the inn. While Dara fought the fox, Spamton smashed the snail. Dara would fight with the stag, but had to flee. Meanwhile, Spamton reported that the snugglepuss had been taken down. [b]Strange fights and unexpected occurences[/b] Folly killed two goblins, and Spamton killed a firefly and a butterfly while making several attempts to find the longsword. Dara, meanwhile, rested up and fought with ape0. After finishing off ape0, ape3 attacked Dara. Dara was surprised when she got a surprise assist from ape5, who attacked ape3 during the fight. Once ape3 was finished off, Dara went to the next location north and fought with ape2 and ape7. Ape7 escaped, only to be attacked by ape5 and finished off by Dara. While Dara was dealing with apes, Folly and Zedar were gradually setting up conditions to make thing safe to do the pillar. Ape5 went down with one hit from Dara due to its not recovering stamina after the above-mentioned fights and probably a few other fights (when asked about this, Dara says "Yes, I know it's ingratitude, but this is a mobile bash."). Dara didn't have that long to dwell on the morality of this, as she had a pillar meeting to attend. [b]Late to the pillar party[/b] Meanwhile, Spamton had departed the area under the well (on the hunt for a new weapon to replace his rapidly-disintegrating falchion) when he heard about the pillar - unfortunately, the ram had other ideas, getting in Spamton's way, locking him into a fight. Spamton was able to kill the Ram - but forgot where to go for the pointer to the pillar, eventually scrolled up to find out where, but ultimately missed out on his chance to get a buff from the pillar. So everyone got the pillar buff except Spamton. Spamton was hoping it wasn't a bad omen. Folly would go on to fight more goblins. After a failed attempt to steal a wafer from goblin29, he fought with goblins 28 and 29, and goblin37 attacked him (unlike ape5, goblin37 remained loyal to his fellow goblins). Folly had to flee from the three goblins. Dara went back to the snowy north mountain area to finish off the remainder of the mobiles there, while Spamton proceeded to kill the parrot and a random zombie, but found himself ambushed by Goblin38 and his two-handed sword in the rapids. Having a flashback to a similar situation faced by a previous incarnation, Spamton opted to cut his losses and flee the fight (just after Folly arrived), at the cost of the falchion and mallet he had found along the way. Luckily, he was able to reclaim those weapons, but he had to remain on his guard for more goblins. Dara, meanwhile, heard the shouts about goblins on the rapids, but was delayed by zombie6. Folly, meanwhile, fought goblin38 at the rapids. Folly managed to win and take the two-handed sword that goblin38 was carrying. Folly would later fight the vampire and the wraith, and remove them from the bash. Spamton continued his search for the longsword at the idol and the cave, but ended up going to sea. Zedar, meanwhile, fought with sealife and fed the dragon. Dara returned to the pagoda area and dealt with ape11, and soon afterward the RHOAAAUUUAURRRRGGGGGGHGHHHGHHHH of a dragon dying was heard across The Land. After Ape10 went down, there was 72 minutes remaining, and 150 mobiles left. Spamton, meanwhile, was looking for a seaboat, and attacked zombie0 with a croquet mallet along the way. [b]Things are booming[/b] Zedar, meanwhile, was attempting an explosive strategy to blow up two giants at the area at the other entrance to the giants realm near the shrine, but was not entirely clear on how to get it to work. Dara arrived and fought with the thief and zombie3 near the shrine. The thief got away. Dara managed to get the missing ingredient for the explosive strategy and used it, and then while resting up from the fight with the thief and zombie3, heard a loud BOOM! Two giants were now taken out, along with maybe a goblin or two. Meanwhile, Spamton was preoccupied with finding some medicine and then killing the viper he found slithering around. With the rain gone, Spamton went out to sea and finally found the longsword. Spamton then decided it was then time to get back to fighting the water-snakes. Folly and Dara fought with goblins in the giant area. Dara had to deal with chickens and goblins fleeing a lot in the goblin dwelling, so finishing them off was very time-consuming. After some more fights, Dara would return to the pine forest to rest up. Folly, meanwhile, had some difficulties with goblin37. In mobile bashes, you usually have to seek out mobiles to in order to find them and rid the bash of them. But sometimes, if you're lucky, they come to you. And such was the case with the magpie, who happened to wander into the area where Dara was sleeping after a fight with a large group of goblins. [b]Mobiles who steal weapons[/b] Spamton ventured into the pagoda area, where it turned out there were still some apes roaming about after Dara's earlier confrontations. Unfortunately, the ape4 stole the longsword, and used it against Spamton, who was left with nothing but a rice flail to reclaim his legitimately-obtained prize. Fearing a repeat of what happened earlier, Spamton gave a pre-emptive warning to everyone else: *A male voice in the distance shouts "LONGSWORD APE IN THE GRASSY AREA!". *wh ape8 Your spell doesn't find any. *wh ape9 1 in the place known as "food preparation area". *A male voice in the distance shouts "[NoMore]!". *sv 106 alive, 188 dead. *wh A female voice in the distance shouts "longsword currently on the floor". Thankfully, the ape fell before it could do too much damage with the Longsword, allowing Spamton to get it back. Since Spamton recovered the longsword, he left the flail by the great gate and ventured back into the pagoda, hoping not to have a repeat of the Incident. Dara, meanwhile, finished off the cows, and later met with Zedar. Zedar offered her the choice of the broadsword or Valetant, and she took the broadsword. Dara would then use the broadsword in fights with goblin24 and goblin21 (one of the few goblins that use magic) in the giants' house. Spamton bumbled around the pagoda, looking for mobiles to kill. Eventually he found ape6, who knocked Spamton down to 50 stamina, ate a wafer, and wandered off. Spamton decided to get some sleep, but there was a discussion going on about flammable containers. (That discussion was related to another explosive attempt, if it could be made). Dara, meanwhile, left the giant area and returned to the pine forest. Unfortunately, the thief was still mad about the earlier fight. Dara was caught by surprise when the thief stole the broadsword from her and attacked her with it. Dara had to flee, but after a third fight, it was the thief's turn to flee and Dara reclaimed the broadsword. Dara would eventually finish off the thief after the thief fled several times. Meanwhile, Spamton went back into the pagoda, and managed to kill ape6 this time. Titus at some point joined in the bash, and so did the octopus in the sea. Around this point, there were 75 mobiles left with 31 minutes to go. Dara fought with the stag, while not far from the deerpark the man and the boar were having a fight. Dara would later finish off the boar and chase the man all through the garden area (and it wasn't easy, as he was invis a lot of the time). [b]Pagoda and dwarfs[/b] Cloudburst the wizard arrived, and popped in just in time to witness Spamton fighting the monk in the pagoda's food preparation area (after giving Spamton the foot and some help). Spamton killed the monk - but the Ape9 decided to avenge the monk. Ape9 knocked Spamton down to 32 stamina - but Spamton managed to pull through and assert dominance over the pagoda's food preparation area. Dara, meanwhile, managed to find the swan and the dove, and joined Spamton in the pagoda area to fight the giant snake (it seems Spamton was fighting just about every snake in The Land over the course of this bash). Sometime around this time, there was another boom, and later a report that the last giant had been finished off. Zedar, meanwhile, was fighting sealife, including octopus, with Valetant. A mishap occured, but Cloudburst was in a generous mood that set and recovered Valetant for him. Cloudburst would also supply some people wafers to help those recovering stamina recover it a bit quicker. Meanwhile, Dara and Spamton finished off the giant snake (Spamton was down to 18 stamina, according to Spamton's unpaid intern whose notes provide the basis for portions of this writeup). Folly, meanwhile, was fighting dwarfs and was joined by latecomer Titus. Together, the two of them fought the dwarf guards and the dwarf king and queen, greatly reducing the count of surviving mobiles. As Zedar started doing WH duty, Dara and Spamton hunted the tiger in the pagoda courtyard and brought it down. After the fight with the tiger, Spamton rested in the stables. Dara probably should have found a place to rest too, as she was attacked by the banshee in the swamp on low stamina. Clearly she assumed someone had disposed of the banshee already, and found out the hard way that she was wrong. She had to flee. Titus was also attacked by the banshee, and Zedar assisted, and soon the banshee was brought down. Folly took down zombie8, six of the regular goblins, and the scorpion, among others. Soon the mobile count was down to 10. Spamton tracked down the coot - but the coot was a pain in the backside to kill this time, hitting Spamton for a bit of damage, fleeing, hitting him again, fleeing, and so on and so forth until Spamton was down to like 42 stamina (when the coot finally died). Skeleton1 at some point killed the ogre, for it was seen carrying the ogre's club when Titus and Folly fought it later. They also fought Skeleton0 when it was summoned to the area of the cave. [b]Ghoul and Golem[/b] Soon, we were down to just three mobiles, but who were the final three? It turned out water-snake4 had escaped Spamton, for one. *A male voice in the distance shouts "WS4!". *wh ws4 1 in the place known as "underground lake". *A female voice in the distance shouts "correct. golem, ghoul + 1". A female voice in the distance shouts "ghoul+golem remain". *sh The final three. Ws4, ghoul, and golem. You shout "The final three. Ws4, ghoul, and golem.". *wh ws4 Your spell doesn't find any. *A male voice in the distance shouts "Ghoul and Golem". *sv 2 alive, 298 dead. *who Zedar the warlock Titus the mage Spamton the dragonfly-slaying champion Folly the warlock Dara the necromancess Drizzle the wobbly mage *A female voice in the distance shouts "I cannot go in for golem. low health". Water-snake4 was brought down, leaving the final two being the Ghoul and the Golem. The ghoul was easily found (for it never leaves its assigned area), but the golem requires a bit of teamwork to access. Folly, Zedar, and Titus did the usual meditation ritual to reach the golem, and Titus ended up being the one to go in. It was worried that Titus might not be able to finish the golem off, and Dara was asked to be the backup to send someone else in if need be, but it turned out we didn't have to worry. For (according to Dara's log which she kindly supplied for this writeup), THIS happened: Dense forest. You are wandering around in some dense forest. To the east can be seen the entrance to a misty graveyard. Lying on the ground is a large log. A hollow yew stump stands here, leading down into the depths. *You feel as if a tremendous evil has been rid from The Land! No pawns of darkness sully it with their presence. The relief of generations of souls floods through your being! (Persona saved on +3,000 = 50,171). *A male voice in the distance cheers. *cheer You cheer. *A male voice in the distance cheers. *Cloudburst the stormy wizard roars. *A male voice in the distance cheers. *sh A female voice in the distance cheers. *sh Super-cheer! You shout "Super-cheer!". *A female voice in the distance cheers. So yes, with the bash now successful, everyone was free to gather not just the icons but the large amounts of treasure that people had been storing in the hut. Of course we had to hurry, as there wasn't much time before the reset. Here's how things were at the end of the set: *who Cloudburst the stormy wizard Zedar the warlock Titus the mage Spamton the dragonfly-slaying guardian Dara the necromancess Drizzle the wobbly mage *Spamton the dragonfly-slaying guardian shouts "BASH WON WITH [2] MINUTES TO SPARE BEFORE RESET". And right after that, the set ended and it was time for the post-bash tearoom discussion. Indeed, we finished the bash successfully, with both pagoda and giants realm open, with two minutes to spare. (Oh, and Folly was still there - I assume he hadn't logged back in yet when that particular WHO command was issued, or he was invis or something). Another incredible bash, with lots of amusing little stories during it. Bashes often have some surprising things happen during them, and this was certainly one of those occasions. In any case, special thanks to Dara and Spamton's unpaid intern, and Folly and Zedar for their notes which helped greatly in the making of this writeup.
[ This Message was edited by: Zalagar on 16-06-2024 04:44 ]
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