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[quote] On 30-07-2024 18:25, Zalagar wrote: [b]Bash report July 25th, 2024[/b] This bash started nearly an hour earlier than the previous bashes, a decision agreed upon by many of the regular participants. When the bash started, the following were present. *who Seifer the glazed wizard Heiach the chimerical wizard Spamton the guardian Galandra the necromancess Folly the warlock Drizzle the wobbly mage Drizzle would stay in the tearoom for the usual wibbling and wobbling and rotating, while Galandra, Spamton, and Folly wasted no time in getting the bash started. Spamton grabbed a staff and went after the parrot, Galandra ran across the raven and the butterfly, and Folly took out the bees. The ram opted to start a fight with Spamton, but Galandra joined in to help fell the ram. Afterward, Galandra was nominated as bash general. Galandra got rid of four fireflies. Spamton went to the inn to obtain some light, and killed the mouse whilst he was there. During this time, it was announced that the knight was present in The Land. Spamton decided to wallop the Scorpion, but got stung by it. Galandra, meanwhile, fought the thief, and the magpie came along, and so Galandra was able to rid the bash of both the thief and the magpie. Spamton returned to the tearoom, grabbed the bardiche from the hut, killed the dragonfly, and re-obtained some light. Galandra, meanwhile, had more trouble with the fox than expected due to being in too much of a hurry to rest up after the fight with the thief. Spamton killed the dove and the boar, but lost the bardiche. Galandra finished off the fox and the piglet, while Folly finished the basilisk. All of them made it to the pillar buff. Galandra fought the coot, and announced to The Land that the pagoda was open. Galandra would then go hunting the stag, then grabbed the barge and used it to venture into the man made lake to take down the swan. Spamton grabbed the axe0 in the hut, and proceeded to use that to actually contribute to the bashing effort (chopping down the yew tree, and killing several zombies with it). Folly disposed of the ox, and Spamton believed the lion was disposed of for this set (more on that later). Folly went after goblins, and Galandra went after the snowy mountainside/low forest area mobiles. Spamton pursued the goat after it fled and finished it off, while Galandra took down the pony and the snowbird. Soon, there were 125 mobiles left in 80 minutes. [b]Section Two: Pagoda and Croquet[/b] Galandra found the marmot, while Folly disposed of the rats. Spamton got rid of the snugglepuss, while Galandra went to the pagoda area and took out ape0. Not long after Galandra took down ape11, everyone heard the terrible RHOAAAUUUAURRRRGGGGGGHGHHHGHHHH of a dragon dying. Folly had succeeded in feeding the dragon. *who Seifer the glazed wizard Heiach the chimerical wizard Spamton the dragonfly-slaying guardian Galandra the bash-general necromancess Folly the dragon-slaying warlock Drizzle the wobbly mage Flooding occurred at the mine, and Galandra fought the hunchback at the north lush pasture, eventually bringing down the hunchback and claiming the wafer11 and the cowl. Folly, at one point, took out the wraith in the evil wood, but the vampire was left for later. What was Spamton doing, meanwhile? Well, Spamton had a series of misadventures, summarized in notes made by Spamton's unpaid intern. After a mishap at sea, "Spamton got ambushed by ape1 whilst he was in a pretty rough state, so Spamton had to flee." While ape12 was taken down by the ghost (the ghost and the ape12 seem to not be able to peacefully coexist in the upper realm of the pagoda), Spamton (in the words of Spamton's unpaid intern, decided to invite Ape4 for a game of croquet. Spamton has no idea how to play croquet. Ape4 wasn't in the mood for croquet, asking to withdraw, then fleeing, and then losing said game of croquet. Zombie2 was more in the mood, but also lost. (The above two paragraphs, again, are courtesy of Spamton's unpaid intern). Galandra, meanwhile, fought with the banshee in the swamp, and the viper got involved. The viper died quick enough, so quickly Galandra didn't even need to use a phial. The banshee held out longer, but Galandra emerged triumphant. Folly, meanwhile, was fighting dwarfs, and Spamton fought water-snakes. Galandra, meanwhile, was keeping track of ground level pagoda mobiles. She reported that ape1, ape4, and ape6 were around, and got to work fighting ape10. Ape10 fled to ape8's location, so after finishing off ape10, Galandra still had ape8 to deal with. Around this point, there were 65 mobiles left alive, 230 dead. Galandra did her duty as bash general and WH'd a few mobiles, announcing via everyone to the set "Vampire still in evil wood!", and going on to WH the sealife. Galandra the bash-general necromancess shouts "Sealife still swimming! (I love alliteration)". Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "the monk is still meditating". Galandra would go on to fight ape6. At this point, there were 57 mobiles with 56 minutes. After finishing off ape6, Galandra WHed ape4, who had ventured into the pine forest. Folly continued fighting with the dwarfs, and ape4 was soon out of the bash. Galandra would fight with the giant snake and the tiger, and quickly dispose of the carp. This left 45 mobiles left, with 45 minutes remaining. [b]Section Three: Invisible opponents, the knight, and the Keep [/b] Some time after that some point, Spamton managed to obtain the longsword and went on to kill shark0 and the jellyfish, returning to the shore just before it started raining. Folly would later dispose of shark1. Folly took a break from dwarfs to return to the evil wood and rid it of the vampire. Galandra would take Heiach's earlier hint, and deal with the monk. As Folly went to a dwarf guard room, Galandra fought with ape9. Spamton, meanwhile, fought with the man with the ls. Unfortunately, the man was able to put Spamton to sleep a few times, made himself invisible, and fled - but Folly was able to track him down and finish the job. Soon, Folly introduced the wolf to wolfsbane, and Galandra realized that with the mobile count down to 26, the keep was still more or less undisturbed. She quickly rushed there and disposed of the wyvern, and encountered the knight on the upper floor. Galandra fought the knight, and was joined by Spamton in the fight. *You miss the knight. The knight misses you. *You hear a stumble, as Spamton the longsword-wielding guardian misses the knight with his longsword. You hear a crack, as the knight hits Spamton the longsword-wielding guardian. * *You hear a slicing sound, as Spamton the longsword-wielding guardian hits the knight with his longsword. You have killed the knight. (Persona saved on +100 = 51,053). The knight has just passed on. *Spamton the longsword-wielding guardian cheers. *who Seifer the glazed wizard Heiach the chimerical wizard Spamton the longsword-wielding guardian Galandra the bash-general necromancess Folly the dragon-slaying warlock *Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "longsword + shield, that's a strong combo!". With less than 25 mobiles to go now, Spamton went on ahead to deal with the spectre, taking with him the shield obtained from the knight. Galandra was resting during much of this. Elsewhere, Folly had an encounter with the dwarf king and queen, and soon afterwards dwarf flags were lowered to half-mast. Galandra and Spamton then teamed together to deal with the griffin. With maiden and company gone, there were only 10 mobiles left, three of them being skeletons. [b]Section Four: The Top 10 remaining mobiles, and one more surprise[/b] A mishap at the alcoves left Spamton without the longsword and the shield, but they were recovered. With keep finished, Galandra went to search for the skeletons. Folly finished off skeleton0 while Galandra finished off skeleton2. Unable to reach zombie7, Galandra instead went after skeleton1 while Folly accessed the zombie7 and made short work of it, arriving just in time to assist Galandra in finishing skeleton1. At this point, the three active bash participants (Galandra, Spamton, and Folly) joined together to open the path to the golem. Folly went in and face the golem. Much like the previous bash, the ogre was still around as one of the last few remaining mobiles. Spamton and Galandra would take it down. Zombie8 had wandered into the small tunnels south of the cellar and was difficult to access, but Folly soon summoned it so it could be defeated. At this point, it appeared the ghoul was the last mobile remaining, so all three of the active participants teamed up to take out the ghoul. The final boss for this bash? Well, not quite. There was an unexpected twist. You shout "All of us against ghoul!". *Folly the dragon-slaying warlock makes some magical gestures. Folly the dragon-slaying warlock emits a bright green flash of light. *sh In the distance, you hear the mighty ROARRRR of a lion. *sh You hit the ghoul (10-14). The ghoul looks close to expiry. The ghoul misses you. *sh Final bo You hear a shudder, as the ghoul misses Spamton the longsword-wielding guardian. You hear a slicing sound, as Spamton the longsword-wielding guardian hits the ghoul with his longsword. You have killed the ghoul. (Persona saved on +54 = 51,932). The ghoul has just passed on. *sh Final boss! You shout "Final boss!". *Spamton the longsword-wielding guardian says "OH NO". Yes, the lion had somehow been found and activated just before the ghoul fell. Spamton was too worn out from the fight with the ghoul to participate, but Galandra and Folly went up to the surface to take out the lion. You shout "Wait, there's still one more!". *Spamton the longsword-wielding guardian has just fallen asleep. * You hear a shudder, as Folly the dragon-slaying warlock misses the lion with his broadsword. You hear a swish, as the lion misses Folly the dragon-slaying warlock. *Folly the dragon-slaying warlock makes some magical gestures. *ql foe You hit the lion (10-14). The lion looks close to death. The lion misses you. You hear a dull thud, as Folly the dragon-slaying warlock hits the lion with his broadsword. You have killed the lion. (Persona saved on +165 = 52,097). You feel as if a tremendous evil has been rid from The Land! No pawns of darkness sully it with their presence. The relief of generations of souls floods through your being! (Persona saved on +3,000 = 55,097). The lion has just passed on. *cheer You cheer. *A male voice in the distance cheers. *Seifer the glazed wizard cheers. *Folly the dragon-slaying warlock cheers. *Valetant tells you "Thou art abject.". *Heiach the chimerical wizard congratulates you. (Persona saved on +10 = 55,107). *Folly the dragon-slaying warlock has drunk some potion0. *A male voice in the distance cheers. *w Folly the dragon-slaying warlock has just left. *who Seifer the glazed wizard Heiach the chimerical wizard Drizzle the wobbly mage Spamton the longsword-wielding guardian Galandra the bash-general warlock Folly the dragon-slaying warlock And so the bash ended successfully with three minutes to spare. Some players used the remaining three minutes to swamp a few things, and then headed to the tearoom for the post-bash chat. This bash started early, and had some interesting surprises. But as I like to say, no two mobile bashes are alike. Each one tells a different story, and no one knows just what stories future bashes may tell. We'll have to wait and see. Special thanks to Spamton's unpaid intern for contributing much of Spamton's portion of the bash, and Folly for further information. And with that, I conclude the bash report for July 25th, 2024.
[ This Message was edited by: Zalagar on 30-07-2024 19:15 ]
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