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[quote] On 14-09-2024 10:26, Zalagar wrote: [b]Mobile Bash Report for September 12, 2024[/b] [b]Debut of the tearoom council[/b] Well, this was a most unusual bash. Mostly because it was the first to use one of the various new variants that Heiach has created to kind of shake things up for the bashes and . This time, it was the concept of the 'tearoom council'. The tearoom council is where an idea is proposed and people in the tearoom while others are out bashing mobiles make a decision that affects events outside in The Land. These events can help the players or confuse the players, so of course the players have to be paying careful attention. [b]The bash begins[/b] Many of the players started off with predictable patterns. Galandra picked up staff and went after fox and some of the other mobiles in the garden area, while Folly went after the bees. Around this time, the WHO list was as follows. *who Crazyfool the stand-up wizard Heiach the chimerical wizard Folly the warlock Galandra the necromancess Paine the matriarch Zedar the warlock Drizzle the wobbly mage Towelie the guest This WHO list would change throughout the set. Zedar accidentally drank a vial which summoned some of the bees, and also accidentally swamped another vial. After Galandra finished the stag and moved on to the olive grove to seek the scorpion, Zedar reported that he killed three bees, from the natural cavern. While Zedar was roaming the goblin caverns, Folly sought out the basilisk. Galandra chased the piglet after it fled from her and finally caught up with it. Soon, Folly met Zedar and told him the basilisk was slain. Zedar, Folly, and Galandra gathered for the pillar boost. Not long afterward, Galandra sought out the scorpion and slew it, then picked up the phial from the monastery, went to the ruin, and smashed the spider. Not long afterward, the tearoom council's first move became apparent. *sh Spider gone, Ditto for scorpion You shout "Spider gone, Ditto for scorpion". *s Paddock. *For your information: the tearoom council have decided to spawn extra weapons. *(Zedar the bash-general warlock) shouts "thanks tearoom council". *who Crazyfool the stand-up wizard Heiach the chimerical wizard Folly the warlock Galandra the necromancess Paine the matriarch Drizzle the wobbly mage Towelie the guest *wh folly 1 in the place known as "narrow passage". *wh zedar 1 in the place known as "steps to cellar". After some flooding in the mine, Galandra got rid of the eagle. She would then find herself at the mausoleum with Folly, and the two of them would rid the mausoleum of both zombie7 and skeleton2. Zedar was finishing up with the last of the rats when Galandra arrived to help finish off rat12. Galandra then found rat21 in the small tunnel just south of the cellar, and disposed of it. Zedar would then announce some of the weapons he'd discovered that had spawned in The Land. *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "there is a CUTLASS and a FOIL in the Hut! Courtesy of the tearoom council". *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "(snags the Scimitar)". Zedar would venture to the keep, slaying zombie4 along the way. Galandra found the foil, and put it to use when fighting the ogre. During the fight with the ogre and Zedar's journey to the keep, another decision from the tearoom council was made. *For your information: the tearoom council have decided to give the goblins a mandrake to play with. Soon afterward, the following happened. *In the distance, you hear the terrible RHOAAAUUUAURRRRGGGGGGHGHHHGHHHH of a dragon dying. You have just been woken up! Your stamina is 70. *Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general warlock roars. *For your information: there are 100 mobiles still alive. (Persona saved on +150 = 51,403). *reset Time-stamp: 20:22:10 on 12-SEP-2024. This is reset 117183, using slot 0. An auto-reset will be initiated in approximately 83 minutes. At the keep, The wyvern attacked Zedar! The Scimitar made short work of it but Zed quaffed a wafer. He was poisoned, briefly. [b]Water-snakes, keep, and fissure opening[/b] Galandra, meanwhile, decided to go after water-snakes. Spamton was usually the one who handled the water-snakes during the bashes, so in his absence, someone else had to step up and take them on. Along the way, we had occasional messages regarding the tearoom council. For your information: the tearoom council are making a decision Zedar was struggling at the keep. Some magic backfired and made him rest costing valuable minutes. He pondered about the bees he'd summoned earlier and wondered if they'd still roam the land.. As Galandra finished off water-snake3, the sound of rock splitting signaled the opening of the giants realm. *who Heiach the chimerical wizard Trantor Folly the dragonfly-slaying warlock Galandra the warlock Paine the matriarch Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general warlock Drizzle the wobbly mage Towelie the guest *sv 134 alive, 160 dead. *reset Time-stamp: 20:29:58 on 12-SEP-2024. This is reset 117183, using slot 0. An auto-reset will be initiated in approximately 75 minutes. We also had the latest move from the tearoom council. *For your information: the tearoom council have decided to make everyone invisible. *who Heiach the chimerical wizard Trantor Galandra the warlock Paine the matriarch Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general warlock Drizzle the wobbly mage Towelie the guest *sleep ZZZzzz... *You have just woken up! Your stamina is 78. You have suddenly and magically become invisible! (*)You feel rather proud to have survived so long since leaving the Elizabethan Tearoom. (Persona saved on +50 = 51,628). (*)(Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general warlock) shouts "the tearoom councilllll". (*) (*)who Heiach the chimerical wizard Trantor (Galandra the warlock) Paine the matriarch Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general warlock Drizzle the wobbly mage Towelie the guest In most cases, the invisibility didn't last long. Galandra went back to fighting water-snakes, Folly went to the natural cavern and the fissure to fight the goblins in that area, and Zedar continued with the keep. It was soon afterward that a scream was heard from Zedar. As it turned out, Zedar stumbled heavily over the Griffin fight. One of those days? He fled it twice, and shouted calling for assistance. *Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general warlock shouts "its Critically Injured". Galandra the warlock shouts "Keep giving it bad reviews!". Folly resolved the situation with the griffin, which Zed was grateful for. At around this point, it was noticable that the pagoda was open. And soon we had the next decision from the tearoom council. *For your information: the tearoom council have decided to respawn the pillar! Galandra would soon take down the last of the water-snakes. Meanwhile, over at the keep, the maiden was defeated. But resting for Zedar seemed to be a recurring theme, so far he'd easily spent more of the set asleep than awake. The vote went out asking if we felt our adventurers would succeed? Zedar responded with an essay instead of a YES or NO. [b]Sealife and giant realm[/b] Zedar stashed some treasure in the hut in case of a fallen adventurer, we had been doing that for a fair few resets now. While this was happening, and Folly returned to the fissure and Galandra fought the pony, another decision from the tearoom council turned up. For your information: the tearoom council have decided to FOD all zombies. As Galandra finished off the pony and the snowbird, Zedar picked up a wafer from the hunchback and finished the hunchback off before attempting some sealife. Folly, meanwhile, was in the giants area, taking down most of the goblins there, as well as two cows and three chickens. *who Heiach the chimerical wizard Flick the mage Galandra the warlock Paine the matriarch Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general warlock Drizzle the wobbly mage Towelie the guest *sh Flick! Glad you made it! You shout "Flick! Glad you made it!". Flick showed up, but stuck to the tearoom. Zedar, meanwhile, would be attempting to take on some sealife. The shark0 wasnt much of a fight. Zedar had a successful CLUMSY on it. A little rest, and his wafer in hand, he would soon attempt another! Shark1 was not an issue. The extra pillar stats were really paying off. Quick rest followed. Meanwhile, giant1 failed to notice a certain object on fire in her vicinity before the fire spread to an explosive nearby, and soom there was an incredibly loud BOOM. Galandra ventured into the giants area and fought with the bull, as the next decision from the tearoom council was announced. *For your information: the tearoom council have decided to FOD all apes. *The bull misses you. You miss the bull. *sv 82 alive, 218 dead. Galandra, unfortunately, had to flee from the bull, and Folly finished the bull off while Galandra was resting up. As for Zedar, he claims that Zedar totally DID NOT fall off of Dragon Island, losing those precious pillar stats. And he COMPLETELY will deny ANY claims that he did. Some claim, refutably, Zedar was briefly spotted in the tearoom. A short boat ride made sure Zedar regained his kit (that he still claims he had not even lost in the first place..) At around the time the wolf met wolfsbane, there were 77 mobiles left with 41 minutes left to go. Zedar, while invisible, fought with the ram. Galandra arrived to help Zedar slay the Ram with her cutlass! (She had accidentally swamped the foil earlier and had to replace it with the cutlass). They made short work of the ram and Zedar went to have a quick rest. Galandra, meanwhile, saw the viper was still slithering around and decided to deal with it. Mmmmm the mage turned up in the tearoom for a bit. Folly, meanwhile, was doing the upper levels of the pagoda. *(Zedar the bash-general warlock) shouts "sharks dead. keep done. hb dead.". Galandra found herself fighting dwarf23 and dwarf27 in the dense forest. While she rested after that encounter, her fellow bashers were doing some more exciting things. Folly fought with the phoenix in the second floor of the pagoda, while Zedar summoned the skeleton0 to the same location as giant0. *In the distance, you hear the clear tones of a mighty hunting horn. You have just been woken up! Your stamina is 115. *For your information: the tearoom council have decided to change the weather. *In the distance, you hear an incredibly loud >*B*O*O*M*<. *For your information: Flick the mage is worth 23,041 points if killed. *who Heiach the chimerical wizard Flick the mage Zedar the bash-general warlock Cenedra the lovely mage Folly the giant-killing warlock Galandra the necromancess Drizzle the wobbly mage Towelie the guest *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "Zedar blew up a skeleton and a giant at the same time!". *Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "nice". *A male voice in the distance cheers. *A male voice in the distance shouts "yeah, i noticed, well done". *A male voice in the distance shouts "all giants gone then". *Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "impressive". Galandra did a WH of the pagoda mobiles and found the tiger was still roaming the pagoda's courtyard. She fought the tiger, and took it down with the assistance of Folly. This was pretty much the last of the pagoda's mobiles for this particular mobile bash. [b]Firefly respawns and location swaps[/b] Around this time, the WHO list looked like this. *who Heiach the chimerical wizard Flick the mage (Ow!) Zedar the bash-general warlock Cenedra the lovely mage Folly the giant-killing warlock Galandra the necromancess Drizzle the wobbly mage Towelie the guest *reset Time-stamp: 21:16:51 on 12-SEP-2024. This is reset 117183, using slot 0. An auto-reset will be initiated in approximately 28 minutes. *sv 56 alive, 244 dead. Zedar noted that Valetant was still left in the hut in case anyone wanted to use it. He then said he'd be fighting with dwarfs for the next ten minutes. Meanwhile, Galandra put the barge to good use and used it to cross the man-made lake and deal with the swan. Around this point, we got the tearoom council's next decision. *For your information: the tearoom council have decided to respawn the fireflies. Zedar gasped at the council's decision to respawn the fireflies, before proceeding to flood the mine. As Folly and Zedar went to the dwarf citadel, Galandra searched the area around the deerpark and the gardens for any mobiles she or the other bashers had missed earlier. Galandra would take down the coot, the boar, and the snugglepuss while Folly and Zedar fought with many dwarfs, including dwarf guards. Zedar would soon declare that just about every mobile after the letter p was accounted for. As Galandra slept in the cottage area, the tearoom council made its next decision. *For your information: the tearoom council have decided to swap 2 players locations around. You have just been woken up! Your stamina is 98. *Folly the giant-killing warlock has just fallen asleep. *Folly the giant-killing warlock has woken up! *Folly the giant-killing warlock has just fallen asleep. *ql Dwarf guard room. Your eyes are drawn to the sublime beauty of an enchanted shortsword which lies by your feet. The oaken door is locked shut. Folly the giant-killing warlock is here, asleep carrying a two-handed sword. *Folly the giant-killing warlock has woken up! Folly the giant-killing warlock makes some magical gestures. Folly the giant-killing warlock has just left. So yes, Galandra found herself in the surly dwarf guards' dwarf guard room, while Zedar found himself back on the surface, thanks to the location swap mischief. Galandra and Folly would then fight the queen dwarf, and Folly would claim wafer8 and use it to heal himself. Galandra and Folly would then team up to finish the thickset dwarf guards. Zedar needed help with vampire and wraith. Folly and Galandra went to help to finish off the evil wood duo, though by the time Galandra arrived, both the vampire and the wraith had been taken care of. [b]A latecomer and the remaining mobiles[/b] It was around this time, with about 12 minutes to spare, that Spamton showed up to the bash. *A male voice in the distance shouts "HEY ANY ???". *who Heiach the chimerical wizard Spamton the legend Zedar the bash-general warlock Cenedra the lovely mage Folly the giant-killing warlock Galandra the warlock Drizzle the wobbly mage Towelie the guest Spamton grabbed a bardiche, obtained some glow, and started to beat up the ghoul. Spamton's bardiche broke mid-fight, but still, no point crying over broken bardiches, Spamton's unpaid intern said. There was still the bash to particpate in. Zedar did a lot of WH spells to determine some of the remaining mobiles. He declared that most of the mobiles after the letter j (with the exceptions of the man and the mouse) were accounted for. The fireflies, meanwhile, had spawned in different locations: one was at the treasure chamber in the keep, another at the idol, another in the giant strongroom, another in the cannon room, and another at the alpine cottage. Galandra would find the firefly at the idol, and then the one at the alpine cottage. Spamton, meanwhile, went mouse hunting. Soon, Galandra, Folly, and Zedar accounted for the remaining fireflies, with Galandra finding the one in the cannon room. *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "everything after J is done!". You have just been woken up! Your stamina is 77. *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "apes are done!". *A male voice in the distance shouts "on jf". *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "im wh'ing DWfs". *A male voice in the distance shouts "MOUSE [[Disconnected]]". *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "ITS JF + GOLEM". *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "ITS JF + GOLEM". *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "EXCELLENT". *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "EXCELLENT". *A male voice in the distance shouts "on jf". So with the jellyfish done, it was time to do the meditation needed to access the golem. Zedar went in, but not long afterward gave a shout. Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "please prepare to MED again if this does not work out". However, soon, the following happened: *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "in which case, someone will go in to finish it off, of course". *who Heiach the chimerical wizard Spamton the legend Zedar the bash-general warlock Folly the giant-killing warlock Galandra the warlock Drizzle the wobbly mage Towelie the guest *gl zedar You wish good luck to Zedar the bash-general warlock. *wh zedar Your spell doesn't find any. *Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "you sent someone in without 2 pillar stats". *A male voice in the distance shouts "[[Meditation in progress]]". *A male voice in the distance shouts "all med rooms were taken!". *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "its close to death, im choosing to stay for fun on 26". *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "on 14". *You feel as if a tremendous evil has been rid from The Land! No pawns of darkness sully it with their presence. The relief of generations of souls floods through your being! (Persona saved on +3,000 = 54,564). *cheer You cheer. *Heiach the chimerical wizard roars. *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "whoop whoop". *A male voice in the distance cheers. *Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "congrats!". *A male voice in the distance cheers. *Heiach the chimerical wizard congratulates you. (Persona saved on +10 = 54,574). *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "very well done. amazing bash. loved the twists". *Zedar the bash-general warlock encourages you. (Persona saved on +10 = 54,584). *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "icons under the hut along with more treasure". *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "help yourselves". *Zedar the bash-general warlock cheers. *Zedar the bash-general warlock cheers. *A male voice in the distance shouts "[[Help]] YOURSELVES". And so the bash was successful, with only a few extended minutes to spare. Galandra picked up a few items from under the hut, but mostly joined the other players for the post-bash chat. Players: Heiach the chimerical wizard Galandra the warlock Spamton the legend Zedar the warlock Folly the warlock Drizzle the wobbly mage Towelie the guest Well, this was a most fun and interesting bash, with the tearoom council gimmick providing a number of new twists to keep players paying careful attention. Heiach has also suggested a number of other new twists, including the occasional other events besides mobile bashes (some are mentioned under his 'social nights' posts on the forums and Discord), so we might have even more new variations and new twists to look forward to in the near future. For now, I'll just wrap this up by saying this was certainly a fun and enjoyable bash. Special thanks to Zedar for providing extra details in his notes, and Folly for his insights in the post-bash chat. [/quote]
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