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[quote] On 10-01-2002 01:21, Shantigh wrote: Advertising - at that price - still doesn't work. People aren't stupid, and most aren't silly enough to pay that much for a text adventure. Now granted, the players you have are willing to pay because they know and love the game - that is different. But to attract the complete and utter newbie, you need an incentive, all that price does is scare them away. So no matter how much advertising you do, that price is still a major turn off, yes, you might get a few, but WP was averaging quite a lot of newbies - ok, different situation, it was free, but still, the reason MUD is failing and the reason it is on it's death bed (which no matter how much you want to dress it up - it is) is because of the price. It is a good game, it can do well. This has been well proven in the past, but the fact is, it is not worth that amount of money per month. It's a game, and in the real world, money goes on things that are more needed than a text adventure and since seemingly a vast majority of the players were students or at least in that age range, you have completely alienated them with this price because it is not something they can easily afford or what to afford. Anyways, to close, because I'm half cut and tired. The reason why advertising etc will not work, and will be a blatant waste of both time and effort is because the game is too highly priced. When it comes in at over an apparently better game, people aren't going to give it a chance, and bluntly, it needs that chance. It needs a price drop, it needs people to stop messing about and to actually work to get it popular, which just isn't happening. And yes I'm as blunt as can be, but that's what happens when you get drunk. This game, even in a pay format, could do as well as before. But because of the price, it won't. And it never will. [/quote]
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