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MUDII Forum Index » » MUD2 Clients » » Speaking of old clients...
Author Speaking of old clients...

Joined: Nov 20, 2006
Posts: 4
Posted: 04-10-2015 21:18   
...is anybody interested in a version of Clio 1.8 for OSX?

It's very early days, but I have a version kind of almost working on OSX 10.11 (El Capitan).

Is anybody (apart from my lovely family) interested in getting access?

Let me know if you are and I'll post back here once I've fixed whatever is making it segfault when you pick a fight with a mob...


[ This Message was edited by: aladrin on 04-10-2015 21:25 ]

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Joined: Aug 30, 2001
Posts: 41
Posted: 05-10-2015 10:17   
I had a bit of fun compiling 1.8a on my server - ended up stripping out all of the stuff to do with sound as I'm running it purely from a terminal. Not sure if that will be of any use to you though.

One thing that might be helpful to drop in:

time_t timer;
char buffer[33];
struct tm* tm_info;

tm_info = localtime(&timer);
strftime(buffer, 33, "<span>%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S</span>", tm_info);

Around line 199-ish in logging.c, then you'll get a timestamp for every line, if you're in to that sort of thing!

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Joined: Nov 20, 2006
Posts: 4
Posted: 05-10-2015 20:24   
Started with the same approach - sound is gone, so onwards to the segfaults

Thanks for the tip re logging - I'll get that added in.

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Joined: Aug 30, 2001
Posts: 41
Posted: 05-10-2015 21:15   
No worries. Sorry I can't be more help, no segfaults on Debian.

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Joined: Feb 16, 2003
Posts: 360
From: portland, oregon, usa
Posted: 07-10-2015 03:22   
I had a run at getting Clio to work for OSX. Here's the code:


Despite getting it to build and run after disable my sounds I still ran into segfaults.

Best of luck!

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