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MUDII Forum Index » » House News » » ERM House
Author ERM House

Joined: Aug 27, 2001
Posts: 84
From: Firkins
Posted: 23-07-2002 01:58   

ERM is slowly returning - and I'm desperately trying to make it that bit more active. In the past, ERM always stood for having a good time - but also for helping, others - in particular new players. I realise at the moment, MUD hasn't had a lot of new players, but with the pricing changes - there are newbies appearing!

So if you are interested in helping them, or just want to be in a semi-active house, join ERM. The current captains are: Dronko, Gloomy & Casper - and of course myself (as Serenety & Gehenna). Also any new players you spot, who you think might benefit from some guidance of sorts, send them to ERM.

On another note, I'm (still) creating the ERM website. It will be hosted on my web space at krypt.co.uk - and will be viewable once at least the main "basics" section is complete. The site is mainly to give a comprehensive new player guide with a user friendly, colourful design. But I'm also looking to have articles up there, log files and odds and sods, which if you have any of, feel free to e-mail me. It won't really be a news site of sorts once up and running as I don't have the time to keep something like that updated but I am looking for ideas, if anyone has any for other things that can be put there.

Oh - and if anyone fancies creating a nice basic bird's eye view map of the land for use on the site, I'd be grateful. I've tried, but it's just never worked.

Anyways, I'm off to bed.

Love & Light,


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Joined: Feb 11, 2003
Posts: 1
Posted: 11-02-2003 16:09   
Hello again Seren, how are you? glad to see ERM back and kicking (in a polite helpfull way of course). I'll see you in game.

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Joined: Jun 27, 2003
Posts: 2
Posted: 27-06-2003 14:12   
I'm making a semi comeback to mud 2 wont be around as much as I used to be though, hopefully will join ERM again as it was my first house and still the one I played in the most, even when I got my own house <g>

Glad your still around Serenity, look forward to chatting to you again soon.

Reaper/Ladylove/Mrwhippy/Et all.

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