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MUDII Forum Index » » Websites » » December's Muddled Times
Author December's Muddled Times

Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 199
Posted: 31-10-2004 23:36   
The deadline for this one is Sunday 21st November.

Send articles, letters, musings to me at karya@muddled-times.com

And don't forget to use the author feedback and feedback form!

[ This Message was edited by: Karya on 31-10-2004 23:38 ]

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 199
Posted: 01-12-2004 21:43   
Muddled Times will be late this month. In all probability it was going to be a few days later anyway, but now I'm not sure how late it will be. My PC has died, I can't start it up. Unfortunately I hadn't backed up any files recently either. Nor have I access to my Muddled Times e-mail.

I'm sure this is salvageable, I'm just not sure how long it will take so bear with me and feel free to continue to send in articles and pictures.

If anyone needs to contact me please use mudmail, although I don't tend to check it every day.

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Joined: Mar 05, 2002
Posts: 274
Posted: 02-12-2004 11:41   
You have my sympathies, Karya. My PC did the same thing a few months ago. It died on me, and I couldn't start it up again no matter what I did. I'm typing this on a replacement PC, but it's been giving me troubles, too.

I hope you manage to get MT and your other projects up and running again soon.

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Joined: Apr 14, 2003
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From: Birmingham
Posted: 02-12-2004 21:57   
Eek! Good luck Karya - all my stuff is sent, in any case Lemme know if I can help at all.
*Fiz the necromancess says "I've been advised by everyone in the game to ignore you, Crowley".

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Joined: Apr 14, 2003
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From: Birmingham
Posted: 11-12-2004 21:44   
any news K?
*Fiz the necromancess says "I've been advised by everyone in the game to ignore you, Crowley".

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Joined: Oct 19, 2001
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From: North West
Posted: 23-12-2004 19:48   
Hmm any sign of it?

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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Posted: 04-01-2005 11:17   
Sorry, I'm not ignoring any of you. I got your e-mails Crowley - thanks. I'll post something more specific later.

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Joined: Aug 27, 2001
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From: Firkins
Posted: 31-01-2005 18:15   
Is it just me, or does look sadly like the MT is adding to the slow demise of mudii?

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Joined: Jul 07, 2003
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From: England
Posted: 31-01-2005 20:34   
Possibley, but then again ive been waiting for the new issue of the muddled-times for awhile now, and i know that Karyas computer is broke, but with the lack of players issue will there be a next muddled-times.

MT is based around the players and most of the players who played dont, and the highlifes about are mainly wizmorts, SO LETS ATTRACT PLAYERS AND GET DRUNK AND HAVE A PARTY ON THE FAIRY RING. I dont mind writing a fiction on that

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Joined: Aug 27, 2001
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From: Firkins
Posted: 31-01-2005 23:35   

On 31-01-2005 20:34, Cradle wrote:
Possibley, but then again ive been waiting for the new issue of the muddled-times for awhile now, and i know that Karyas computer is broke, but with the lack of players issue will there be a next muddled-times.

MT is based around the players and most of the players who played dont, and the highlifes about are mainly wizmorts, SO LETS ATTRACT PLAYERS AND GET DRUNK AND HAVE A PARTY ON THE FAIRY RING. I dont mind writing a fiction on that

A broken computer is a short term problem - the design is on the server, so all that needs to be is downloaded to a new PC, and the articles were mainly submitted by players - and going by what appears in MT, wouldn't take that long to re-write even if they were lost, seeing as there hasn't been a huge call for re-submissions, or re-writes it looks more like no one cares than the fault of the broken computer.

MT is based around players like you say - and it's written mainly by players, but in their writing articles and putting effort towards it, they expect for an effort to be made for the publishing of said articles, and if that part isn't fulfilled - the outcome is, people just won't write articles in the future - because if the people running it don't care, why should use putting their time and effort into writing articles care - it's a vicious circle.

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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Posted: 01-02-2005 23:42   
Ok looks like I've got a number of issues to address here. I hope this isn't too much of a muddle.

Firstly there were some implications about the time and effort that goes into producing Muddled Times. Let me assure you that MT demands a LOT of time and effort. It takes me hours and hours to get one issue out. It normally involves many days of preparation. There used to be a time where I took time off work to get MT done, but I can't afford that luxury now. I get all the help I can and I appreciate that but it still takes a lot of work to co-ordinate and finish.

I DO care about Muddled Times and I DO care about mudii but I never hid the fact that I wasn't going to be around for a couple of years as from Sept 2003. I did, however, over-estimate how much time I thought I could spend on mud and Muddled Times. I think it's been very obvious that I haven't been able to cope with the workload but this doesn't mean that I don't care, or I can't be bothered or I'm lazy or any other insinuations that have been made about me. Perhaps I haven't been explicit enough but I shall be here (without getting into any details about my personal life):

As from September 2003 until June 2005 I will have only a very limited amount of time to spend on mud and Muddled Times.

Since the the late summer of 2004 things have escalated resulting in an ever-decreasing amount of free time. I have not logged onto mud since Dec 5th. I am only here tonight because I received a desperate e-mail.

I would like to point out that this is the first e-mail I have received asking about Muddled Times. NO-ONE has asked me about Muddled Times since Christmas. To be perfectly honest I thought no-one was that bothered. I presumed wrongly however I'm not a mind-reader either! To be fair to Crowley and Vordai when I logged on tonight I did find a mudmail from him (I'll reply to your mails when I'm done here, Crowley & Vordai).

On the subject of people getting fed up because I haven't published their work. I'm sorry but when have I contributed to this downward viscous circle? The first and ONLY time that I have delayed in publishing any work has been for the Dec 2004 issue of MT and even then I believe I have received the sum total of 2 articles. If I don't get the articles then you won't get a bumper issue of Muddled Times. The articles I have received will NOT go to waste; there WILL be another issue of Muddled Times.

I think it will be best at this moment in time to admit defeat. I can't cope with the work load. There will be no more Muddled Times until June. I will not be on mud until June. I will not read this forum regularly until June. This does not mean that I don't care about mud or that I'm can't be bothered. This means that there is something else going on that HAS to take precedent until June.

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Joined: Apr 14, 2003
Posts: 421
From: Birmingham
Posted: 01-02-2005 23:53   
Thanks for the update Karya! Hope your life isn't TOO stressful, and that at least you're getting to enjoy what's taking up your time!

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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Posted: 01-02-2005 23:53   
I forgot to add something!

I will put this break in issues of Muddled Times to good use. I will revamp Muddled Times. It's due for another overhaul anyway.

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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Posted: 02-02-2005 08:18   

On 01-02-2005 23:53, Halen wrote:
and that at least you're getting to enjoy what's taking up your time!

Unfortunately not, Halen. If what I think you're refering to is what I think it is, that's not happening until way after June.

I'm back again - just to say a big THANK YOU to those who have really helped pull Muddled Times together these past 18 months. Especially Crowley, Theman, Havoc, Hawumph and Turrican.

And I hope you'll continue to help Muddled Times together for the next 18 months and beyond.

Also, thank you to those who have continued to support Muddled Times through sending articles.

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Joined: Jul 07, 2003
Posts: 236
From: England
Posted: 02-02-2005 15:52   
im just worried for the future.

I like reading the Mt and the articles written.

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