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Author Deadlines

Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 199
Posted: 25-10-2001 23:48   
The deadline for December's Muddled Times is Sunday the 18th November.

Send your articles, letters and anything else MUD2 related to me at karya@muddled-times.com

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Joined: Aug 23, 2001
Posts: 76
From: Newcastle upon Tyne
Posted: 26-10-2001 00:25   
Will this have loverly details of the Wiz -vs- Mortal Sorc war?

<drools like a dog over a marrowbone>

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Joined: Aug 26, 2001
Posts: 95
Posted: 26-10-2001 03:16   
Maybe it will, maybe it won't...

But you can GUARAN-DAMN-TEE that it'll have the second part of the greatest column in the world.

That's right! It's Smell the Monkey #2.

Yepper, that's right whores... Unless The Monkey gets his Muddled Times privileges reamed, he'll be back with more t'riffic rantings from Pop Culture Hell.

But what issue to tackle next?

Only your favourite Monkey knows for sure.
AtomicMonster.com: Death to Popular Culture.

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 199
Posted: 27-10-2001 19:38   
Yes, as well as containing the second article of Jericho's column, the next issue of Muddled Times will hopefully contain articles about the wiz vs mortal sorcerer war. It would be nice to have articles from both sides, perhaps the captain would like to offer to write one?<G>

Also, if you liked the new Dreams section, send me more dreams. We don't get much feedback (as you've probably noticed from the lack of Letters section recently) so it's hard to know what you want from Muddled Times, or if you like any new sections we introduce (like the Dreams). Don't be shy about it, post here, or send in a letter, or you can e-mail me personally if you don't want other people to see your views.

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Joined: Aug 23, 2001
Posts: 76
From: Newcastle upon Tyne
Posted: 28-10-2001 23:01   
Are you asking me to write one Karya?

I'll need to keep a log of the event so I know what has happened cause I'll lose track. (My bash reporting skills got a little rusty )


IRC: #mudclan | Blackburn Rovers FC

[ This Message was edited by: Seamus on 28-10-2001 23:02 ]

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Joined: Aug 26, 2001
Posts: 95
Posted: 12-11-2001 02:48   
It's looking increasingly unlikely you'll be seeing anything from me.

Still, look on the bright side... You can go without reading the next issue of MT now.

I'll try and pull a shit together this week, but I'm not promising anything... Despite previously promising something.
AtomicMonster.com: Death to Popular Culture.

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