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MUDII Forum Index » » General Chat » » Sorcerer War on Thursday 8/11/09
Author Sorcerer War on Thursday 8/11/09

Joined: Sep 20, 2001
Posts: 38
Posted: 05-10-2009 20:12   
I will be hosting a Sorcerer War this thursday, the winner of the event will be awarded 3k to any persona of there choice below warlock. Please ensure you have a spare persona slot for the event, or alternatively i can fod a persona for you to free up a slot

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Joined: Jul 14, 2007
Posts: 1217
From: Felixstowe, Suffolk.
Posted: 06-10-2009 15:02   
Would it be possible to have a few extra weapons out of the stores and maybe be some more wafers (without side-effects please)scattered about the place?

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Joined: Jan 23, 2002
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From: Somewhere you don't want to go!
Posted: 06-10-2009 16:30   

On 06-10-2009 15:02, royston wrote:
Would it be possible to have a few extra weapons out of the stores and maybe be some more wafers (without side-effects please)scattered about the place?

Wafers without side effects? That would be crackers, would it?

How 'bout them transparent dangling carrots? It's not fair to deny me, the cross-eyed bear that you gave to me. You otter know!!!

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 346
Posted: 06-10-2009 20:32   

On 06-10-2009 15:02, royston wrote:
Would it be possible to have a few extra weapons out of the stores and maybe be some more wafers (without side-effects please)scattered about the place?

Side-effects like regaining stamina?

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Joined: Nov 24, 2003
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From: London
Posted: 06-10-2009 23:57   
I look forward to November!

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Joined: Sep 20, 2001
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Posted: 07-10-2009 19:27   
Ok i put the wrong month in the topic heading im a newb i know hehe, ok the Sorcerer War is for this Thursday 8/10/09.

Will be adding a few extras for the Sorcerer War event on thursday, all players welcome.

[ This Message was edited by: Sabretooth on 07-10-2009 20:14 ]

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Joined: Sep 16, 2001
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From: Llanelli
Posted: 07-10-2009 20:41   
Sabre mate. Why did you edit your post?


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Joined: Sep 20, 2001
Posts: 38
Posted: 09-10-2009 08:15   
Congratulations to Kazoo who was last nights Sorcerer War winner, also i would like to thank everyone who turned up again to help make it a fun evening for everyone.

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Joined: Jul 14, 2007
Posts: 1217
From: Felixstowe, Suffolk.
Posted: 09-10-2009 17:07   

Just a little before 9:00 pm I came into the Tearoom in my novice persona.

Notwithstanding, Sabretooth FODDED me and I had to create Lordlucan over again. That was only the second time I had been fodded by a Wizard, in all the time I have been playing the game. The first time, for those who are interested is well documented in last year's Muddled Times. There was a bit of a delay while Kazoo finished off the hoovering of his living room irl. Goldyleaks (obviously Leak), with eight minutes to go said 'minus 3 mins'. Kingkobra was again obviously JB, but I have no idea still who Kazoo, Kinkyjohn or Examinekil were. Goldyleaks with seven minutes to go said 'minus 2mins'. In the meantime Sabretooth was explaining the rules. These were briefly: Rule 1 I decide the rules. Rule2: You obey all the rules. Nothing you note about not writing on the walls. With six minutes to go, Goldyleaks said 'minus 1 min'. Hetakuso was also present but the guise of his main persona at Necromancer level.

There were to be three rounds starting at Sorcerer, Necromancer and Warlock level each. The last person standing in each round was to be the winner. Some hopes!

Sarbretooth did a reset and the game was on. I came back in in the wrong persona, which happened to be a protected one. What a good start.


Second attempt I got it right and was immediately made sorcerer. I went north and I remembered to site and glow. So far so good. Sabre told me there were extra weapons and wafers about the place. I where'd the machete several times with several spelling to no avail. Neither could I find the hockymask. Meanwhile Goldyleaks was attacking me using the full force of the violin. Then Kinkyjohn appeared and without even asking if the fight were a private one, joined in wielding a scimitar. Kinkyjohn was the first to flee. Then it was Goldyleaks turn. That was a promising start, seeing off two armed combatants without being armed myself.

I picked up the falchion and captured the Eagle, who would prove a useful ally, but not after an attack by four dwarfs at once. Now I took a chance with a stam of just 29 I made my way from the Mine to the Maze, where I could recover in comparative safety. Kingkobra and Examinekil were now both down to Spellbinder; Kazoo and I were still Sorcerers. So far the only death due to a failed attempt of Kinkyjohn to FOD Examinekil. Sabretooth was baying for blood. Kingkobra was in the Scriptorium, Kazoo was in the Caved-in Grave (beyond my reach) but Examinekil was also in the Scriptorium. I made my way to the Scriptorium. I had a search around and somehow missed both of them. Spammimg 'o' , I dropped into the Tunnel and somehow did not die a silly death. I resited to the Maze, then went looking for Kazoo in Dally Lane. Meanwhile he was looking for me in the Maze. I found a sabre at the Entrance to the Monastery and swapped the falchion for it. I liked the name. After a long search I found Kazoo and Examinekil fighting it out in a Dense Forest. I joined in. It was another three-some reel. Examinekil fled and I remembered the Eagle. I dropped the Eagle. Kazoo fled and I was still on 69 stam. Kazoo obviously uses the same technique I do in gathering up all one's kit on a flee. Examinekil threw his kit in a particular direction then presumably fled the same way.

I came across the staff. I dropped the sabre and picked up the 'best' weapon. The sabre was still the better one of the two.

I where'd Examinekil. He was just seven rooms away Outside the Mouth of Idol. I went straight in. His first hit my stam went to 64 (how was that possible?). His second dropped me to 47. It was time to drop the Eagle. This was too much for him and he soon had to flee. I slept peacefully in the Maze. Kazoo was in the Diamond Room and out of my reach and Examinekil was in a Dense Forest but which one. I made several attempts to summon Kazoo but they all bounced back on me.


Sabretooth reset and it was time for Round 2. This time we were made Necromancers and given three lives. I set up my camp in the Maze again and once more picked up my friendly Eagle. Kazoo had established himself in the Caved-in Grave, Goldyleaks was in the Tearoom and Kingkobra was in the North Lush Pasture. Kingkobra it was then. By the time I got there, he had gone but looking Southward there was Kazoo in the South Lush Pasture. Before I could move, he moved North and was upon me. Then things went wrong. I admit I use macros and instead of hitting 'K. Player wi wp', I hit 'K mob wi wp'. I watched as I killed my Eagle. It was my turn to flee and I did so almost in tears. I recovered in the Maze. Kingkobra was in his Room in the Scriptorium. On my way there I was attacked again by Kazoo. I should have fled at 24 but hung on. It went on for a bit longer with me dithering about fleeing and suddenly it was all over for me. But I still had two lives left. Back in the game, I soon picked up my sabre and wondered if going straight after Kazoo would be considered loobying. In any event I decided to let him regain his stamina. I wandered round for a bit and came across Goldyleaks in combat with 'someone'. As before I joined in, but without my Eagle it was tough going. I fled on 12. I fled not to the safety of the Maze (as I intended) but ended up in a Pine Forest, where Kazoo jumped me and I died a second time very quickly. Going back into the Land, on my third and last life, I saw that there were a number of Tearoomers with the suffix 'Sorcerer War Combatant'. Not only was this unfair on those of us up to the ears in each others blood and gore, but from a practical point of view, you had no idea who was taking part and who was not.

I found Goldyleaks in the hut and immediately went for him. He soon went invisible and although I had the better weapon, he was clearly getting the best of me and I fled at 24. Somehow I had caught a cold. Kingkobra was in the Tearoom. Examinekil was in the Crypt and Kazoo was in the Caved-in Grave. Suddenly Examinekil was in the Maze and it was time to go. A few moments later he was back in the Crypt but Kazoo was on the narrow Road. I passed Kingkobra a few times and suddenly Examinekil was on me and Kingkobra arrived and joined in. For a long time they were both fighting me and not each other. I fled at 9 stam. As I recovered I noted that Kingkobra was on the ladder shaft; Kazoo in the Caved-in Grave and Examinekil back in his Crypt. Almost on full stam, I found that while Examinekil was still in the Crypt, Kingkobra had moved to the South Tomb and Kazoo was in the Mausoleum. We were now almost at the end of this session but there was just enough time to jump Kazoo on the Railway Track. However he slipped away just as I was doing it, but came right back at me. After what seems ages he fled from me and I was back up to Necromancer having spent most of the round as a Sorcerer. Back up to strength, I went after Kazoo again who was hiding in the Scriptorium. Unfortunately I bumped into the Hunchback who wasted no time in going for me. The piglet managed to get involved too. I was not anxious that Kazoo should find me here losing Stamina to two Mobiles. But find me he did and so soon did Kingkobra. So it was: attack them both and my stam was on 38. Fighting two players and a fairly hefty Mobile at the same time, I fled on 28. Back up to full stam, it was back to the Scriptorium and attacked Kazoo again, who was himself now busy with the Hunchback. Things were going along nicely with Kazoo being walloped by the Hunchback as well as me, when Examinekil put in an appearance. He left me out of it for some reason concentrating on Kazoo, who fled. When the dust settled I attacked Examinekil. The Hunchback was still there but watching. In the end it was my turn to flee which I did on 9.

And so ended Round 2. It was back to the tearoom.


Sabretooth decided not to reset this time but to send us North with the Land in its present state. This was handy and not so handy. I knew where I left the sabre and could easily find it but I would not get the Eagle back. It had not escaped my notice that opponents seem to flee with greater alacrity if I let go the Eagle. We were all bumped up to Warlocks for Round 3.

I went invisible straight away to kit up. I picked up my sabre and stuff and went off to see, if on the off chance, the Eagle had rematerialised. But it had not- of course. I swamped the violin. It was of no use to me but it could have been useful to someone else. I was wandering about pretty aimlessly, always dangerous, when I was pounced upon by 'someone'. After a bit of give and take this someone turned out to be Kazoo. But hey-ho there was a second invisible player also hitting me. I never did learn who the second player was as I fled on 22. During my recovery I established that Kazoo was in the Blizzard and Examinekil was in the Screened-off Room. Good Luck to both of them. If Kazoo was further than the first room into the Blizzard, I would never find him. But it did looked like the Pagoda was opened. And Examinekil was welcome to hang around the Screened-off Room. There was no way I was going to join him. I did go as far as the Ordination Room and he was nowhere to be seen. A quick check at this time showed Kazoo now in the Evil Wood and Kingkobra in a Dense Forest. And an immediate re-check showed Kazoo back in the Blizzard. I deducted this was his Site. So I left the Pagoda searched around South Mountain for bit and ended up at the Rapids. Here I got attacked yet again and fled on 13 although crippled. I did not know you could do this.

I went around for ages without any mishaps and decided I really had to go to the Blizzard after all and get Kazoo. I got as far as the Snowdrift without any trouble but had to consult my Atlas of Royston's Remarkable Routes to work out a way to get to the Blizzard. When I looked back at the monitor, someone was attacking me with something and my stam was 88 before I realised what was going on. This turned out to be Examinekil on the warpath. At 17 I fled yet again taking my kit, two empty vials dropped by Examinekil and an Ice Statue that I really did not want. On recovery I went back up in the Snowdrift I was again attacked this time it turned out to Reallife whom I had not come across before. On recovery this time, I found Reallife in the hut. He was fighting an invisible player, I still don't know who it was, but Reallife was now a Legend, so presumably had lost his magic powers. True to my form so far, I attacked them both simultaneously. Whoever it was invisible, they soon fled, leaving Reallife to me. After a little while he fled too. I found I was surrounded by Treasure and this warped my judgement I think. Reallife was waiting for me at the swamp. As I fled this time, I dropped everything of course, and it all went down in the swamp, including my much valued sabre. A fter a while I found Kingkobra fighting someone in the Cobbled yard. I was only watching when Kingkobra fled and the invisible player turned his attention towards me. It turned out to be Reallife again. Maybe I should have fled on 28 but I didn't. A blind spell bounced back on me and two more hits I was dead.

Back in the Tearoom I was made up again to Warlock, my second life I think, and I was back into the fray. But I did not get into any more fights before Sabretooth called time.


I have no idea who were declared the winners. I've got rl problems with my Internet and it was at this moment it decided to go down. I am just so glad it did not happen earlier. This was another great event organised by Sabretooth. A toughly enjoyable evening.

[ This Message was edited by: royston on 09-10-2009 17:45 ]

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Joined: Jan 01, 2007
Posts: 533
From: N.London (just)
Posted: 09-10-2009 19:15   
I made Saucer.

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Joined: Sep 20, 2001
Posts: 38
Posted: 09-10-2009 20:15   
Thanks once again for a great write up Royston, i had a lot of fun and giggling reading how the event went from you point of view.

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Joined: Jan 23, 2002
Posts: 368
From: Somewhere you don't want to go!
Posted: 10-10-2009 07:47   

On 09-10-2009 19:15, blib wrote:
I made Saucer.

I wish to commend Blib's pottery making. Next month, we should have another war and maybe he could make a Cup for the winner?

How 'bout them transparent dangling carrots? It's not fair to deny me, the cross-eyed bear that you gave to me. You otter know!!!

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Joined: Aug 29, 2006
Posts: 315
Posted: 11-10-2009 06:51   
made for a good read, i'll try and attend the next one

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Joined: Mar 27, 2005
Posts: 160
Posted: 11-10-2009 19:22   
Thanks for another great write up, Royston


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