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Author Whats your fave mobile (aww)

Joined: Jan 06, 2002
Posts: 43
From: Ireland, of course!
Posted: 27-01-2002 13:30   

Whats your fave mobile?

-* Droo

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Joined: Oct 31, 2001
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From: I can't remember!
Posted: 27-01-2002 13:31   
The eagle is very useful!

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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From: Liverpool
Posted: 28-01-2002 01:18   
I had to really use my willpower to stop me from typing Nokia 8310 then. What can I say, the little things amuse me

My favourite mobile is probably the Old Man. He's like an aggressive granddad. Sometimes you can walk along and he is just wandering through a forest or in the mountains (like all good granddad's), and other times he tries to kill you with a stick.

Big up to him for being one of the few human mobiles who aren't seriously annoying.

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Joined: Jan 06, 2002
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From: Ireland, of course!
Posted: 28-01-2002 14:08   

well, my fave mobile is the wraith, always underestimated.

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Joined: Aug 26, 2001
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Posted: 29-01-2002 01:29   
I always liked the Eagle.

Ogre, too - Easy pickings with a decent haul of treasure for twenty seconds' work.
AtomicMonster.com: Death to Popular Culture.

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Joined: Oct 27, 2001
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Posted: 29-01-2002 12:07   
mine would be the wraith and vampire as a pair. evil buggers.

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Joined: Aug 31, 2001
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From: My chair
Posted: 29-01-2002 18:10   
My favourite mobile is Droo.

Those programmers, they think they're so clever....

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Joined: Aug 21, 2001
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From: London
Posted: 29-01-2002 23:08   
My favourite mobile is a dead mobile.

Never big and clever to k hh though..

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Joined: Dec 08, 2001
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Posted: 30-01-2002 00:48   
I used to have this really great mobile above my bed of a clown on a parachute in fact it might have been an umbrella (parasol anyone?). It scared me when I was really little, but then I liked it, don't know where it is now tho

I really really really really really really really really really really hate the thief, who i don't like very much at all really. Oh and the Hb bugs me, and I don't like the vampire, or the skeletons, and i dont like the mouse,the fireflys are stupid, I hate bugs, or those pesky little dwarfs, or that stupid banshee, and I really really hate that godamn parrot, YES I KNOW YOU CAN SEE ME!

My fave mobile is ummm, nope I hate em all.'cept santa EVERYBODY loves santa.


[ This Message was edited by: Gadget on 30-01-2002 00:50 ]

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Joined: Sep 25, 2001
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From: The Depths of Hell
Posted: 30-01-2002 13:39   
My fav mob is not really a mob, its a player as you may guess its...
Cause...I <3 HIM!!!


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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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From: Liverpool
Posted: 30-01-2002 14:19   
That kinda doesn't count then

You should make your own thread asking who everyone's favourite player is

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Joined: Nov 27, 2001
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Posted: 30-01-2002 14:54   
my favourite mobile is the genie because it is actually (to my knowldge) impossible to kill. if u type k genie at exactly the right time then u can fight it but the fight will last...a long time. theyre groovy cos they have the best BEST attitude. what do they do but repopulate the land with kit for us poor mudders. i think there should be an evil genie who hordes useful kit and the more kit he has the harder he is to kill and who the other mo's hate. i'm gonna find a way to use the wolf like an eagle too. by the way.

adios. / innit

oh yeah and i just want to say that AS levels are the suckiest stupidest load of poo ever invented by our big brother, meddling, restrictive stupid government.

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Joined: Aug 26, 2001
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Posted: 31-01-2002 02:26   
Do some foding A-Levels and stop pissing about wasting your time doing a bunch of foding GCSEs in disguise.

Pointless dumbass crap.

AS Levels are for brainless retards, too afraid or too stupid to go after some real qualifications that employers will actually give a fod about.

Oooooh... Did I say something controversial?


On 30-01-2002 13:39, Lcyka wrote:
My fav mob is not really a mob, its a player as you may guess its...
Cause...I <3 HIM!!!


He's a 'lucky' man.

And you're a 'lucky'... Uh... Thing.

Here's to the happy couple... Both of them very, very, very, very lucky to have found each other.

[ This Message was edited by: Popculturemonkey on 31-01-2002 02:31 ]

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Joined: Nov 27, 2001
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Posted: 31-01-2002 14:13   
im doing my fecking A levels after these shitty overworking AS's. im just counting the days till my gap year. world here i come.

oh yeah and favourite player?.... cockroach. cos hes a dude

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Joined: Aug 26, 2001
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Posted: 31-01-2002 21:40   
They MAKE you do those foding things nowadays?
AtomicMonster.com: Death to Popular Culture.

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Joined: Jan 06, 2002
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From: Ireland, of course!
Posted: 01-02-2002 14:47   
My fave player is (was) Wdi... where is he these days?

And i dont think i ever met Drucilla.

As for clown mobiles that terrified children: did you ever see the simpsons where homer constructs a bed for bart on the arrival of baby lisa, the headboard is a horrible effigy of a clown that keeps bart up all night saying things like "If in the morning you do not wake, ill take your soul to keep... muhahaha"

Anyway, im away again.


Oh as a matter-a-fact I didnt do A levels, or AS levels (god i wish i had: eazzzy) I did International Baccalaureate ... uuughhh...

[ This Message was edited by: Droo on 01-02-2002 14:50 ]

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Joined: Aug 31, 2001
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From: My chair
Posted: 01-02-2002 18:03   
I thought As levels were the first year of A-levels? So surely he is doing an A-level?

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Joined: Dec 16, 2001
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Posted: 01-02-2002 21:52   
Hmmmm ... my favourite mobile would have to be ape120. Pretty rare though ...

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Joined: Oct 31, 2001
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From: I can't remember!
Posted: 10-02-2002 18:48   
So who has left mud 2, and who is coming back?

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Joined: Sep 12, 2001
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Posted: 11-02-2002 09:41   
My favourite mobile is any not being controlled by a wiz.

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