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MUDII Forum Index » » Other Games » » Two wizzes and lava equals....?
Author Two wizzes and lava equals....?

Joined: Dec 04, 2012
Posts: 238
From: Auckland, NZ
Posted: 15-03-2014 07:33   

Sitting here in darkness during pwer outage due to cyclone lusi I am restricted to ipad and 3G so I went browsing you tube..... Guess what happens when our two most frequent wizzes build a house along with Osterbane then someone has an accident involving lava


I'd like to know if any wizzes were harmed subsequent to the making of that recording?

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Joined: Apr 28, 2010
Posts: 155
Posted: 15-03-2014 13:41   
Heiach: I properly should put this stuff like somewhere else safe but I guess it's fairly safe for me provided you know I don't fall into lava or anything.

*nosedives into lava*

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Joined: Mar 20, 2011
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Posted: 17-03-2014 00:06   
lol Heiach is clumsy

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Joined: Oct 31, 2001
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Posted: 17-03-2014 14:41   

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