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MUDII Forum Index » » Other Games » » E-Sports
Author E-Sports

Joined: Aug 02, 2012
Posts: 148
Posted: 02-09-2014 02:50   
Some people might be interested in this article if they haven't already seen it:


[ This Message was edited by: Kaif on 02-09-2014 04:50 ]

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Joined: Apr 28, 2010
Posts: 155
Posted: 02-09-2014 20:40   
gahh dont feel like reading all that text,
its nothing new, e'sports' was a thing since the times of unreal quake starcraft etc. I used to play dota 1 in high school and its a great team based custom map on warcraft 3. you needed 10 people for a full game so it spread around quickly among friends. later on a lot more mobas showed up with their degenerate gameplay. the most prominent offender is LoL which managed to appeal to retarded masses. Then valve cashed in with its dota 2. That one is really tedious to play if you arent playing with friends. it matches you with random non cooperative people and you play the same thing over and over again. A session takes about 40 mins to 1 hour.
It isnt nice to see how marketing/business people is attracted like vultures to carrion. Everything goes to shit as it becomes more popular.

**This reminds me, next time theres a sorc war/quest heiach needs to stream and comment on it as he plays then put it on youtube twitch or whatever. I'd do it meself if i could speak the tongue!

[ This Message was edited by: trollsmash on 02-09-2014 20:42 ]

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Joined: Aug 02, 2012
Posts: 148
Posted: 02-09-2014 23:15   

Thanks for the info. I posted the link to
the article for people who might find the topic of interest.

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