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MUDII Forum Index » » Other Games » » Try This
Author Try This

Joined: Jul 14, 2007
Posts: 1217
From: Felixstowe, Suffolk.
Posted: 18-06-2009 07:32   
I did this without even touching or clicking the screen from start to finish, except to click on 'next'but it got it right!!

This is the most amazing thing that I have ever received. It's rather eerie... No matter how many times I've tested this, it was 100% accurate. When you get to the last screen, don't do anything, don't point to anything, and most of all don't click on anything. Simply do as instructed, concentrate on the right symbol for 10 seconds and you will be astounded by the result.


[ This Message was edited by: royston on 18-06-2009 07:32 ]

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Joined: Jan 01, 2007
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From: N.London (just)
Posted: 18-06-2009 17:51   

Fleeing is for wimps !

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Joined: Jul 14, 2007
Posts: 1217
From: Felixstowe, Suffolk.
Posted: 18-06-2009 17:56   
This is driving me crazy. If you do the first part this exercise of adding the two integers together and then taking them away from the original number you will find it always comes up a 9 or a multiple of 9.

10 -> 19 produces 9; 20 -> 29 produces 18 and so on until 90 -> 99 produces 81.

So, x=9*y where y is the first integer of the two integer number or x=9*(INT(z/10)) where z is the original number.

Interestingly 01 -> 09 givres you 0 as you might expect but when we reach 3 integer numbers and add them together there is a change: 100 -> 109 gives 99 (11*9) and not the expected 90.

But this is all irrelevant. The sole object of the first part of this puzzle is to get you to think of a number which is a multiple of 9 or 9 itself. This reduces the possibilities from 84 to just 9. You can leave this first stage out and just go to the last page and concentrate of any number divisible by 9 and it still works. In fact if you concentrate on a number which is not a multiple of 9, it will come up with the nearest one which is.

How does it know which part of the screen you are staring at? There must be a simple explanation but I cannot see it.

[ This Message was edited by: royston on 18-06-2009 17:58 ]

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Joined: Mar 27, 2005
Posts: 160
Posted: 18-06-2009 20:51   
Are you pulling our legs, at what age did you learn your 9 times table? <G>


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Joined: Mar 27, 2005
Posts: 160
Posted: 18-06-2009 20:55   
See if you can spot any connection between the symbols related to the factor of 9, you will find there is a very complex pattern!

May be I should set you my Mausoleum puzzles that I have created? They would make ya think! <G>

[ This Message was edited by: Magician on 18-06-2009 21:00 ]

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Joined: Jul 14, 2007
Posts: 1217
From: Felixstowe, Suffolk.
Posted: 18-06-2009 23:18   
OK I got it now. DOH. Like all these tricks easy when you know.

As for the mauso puzzles. I can just about work out the Christmas ones; that's all.

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